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Harmonic Vibrational Therapy

A Tune Meant 4 U

Attunement means to bring into harmony; adjust. So when we think about instruments, the instrument can be just fine but still sound bad. So we call a specialist to come and help us.

Music is something that can change anyone's mood in a second!!! Especially when you hear that bum note. For some reason, we get stuck on the fact that there was that bad note, forgetting that sometimes it happens. Every musician knows that whatever instrument they decide to use needs to be practiced in order to know how to reduce errors on stage.  

Now let's look at your body as an instrument that needs tuning from time to time. (if you identify with cars you can you use that as an example as well). These need to be serviced regularly!

Our energetic field (music) can be felt by many and whatever we produce will present feedback. 

 I practice attunement every day to achieve a harmonic balance. Through a series of personal checks and balances throughout the day. In my experience, there is no right or wrong. Only CORRECT and INCORRECT. I believe that nothing is set in stone until you set it there, so anything can be corrected with the CORRECT application of knowledge.

 Knowledge is definitely power if you know how to use it. You have all the power you need inside of yourself but you need to tap into it.

Let's find the music to your soul and create harmonic vibes!!

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